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Join KRUNA to celebrate the UN's International Day of Peace

Saturday, Sept 21, 4:00 to 6:30 pm

MIR Centre for Peace



Some of KRUNA's youngest associates at a rally protesting Canada's involvement in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Melanie Hebert and her little ones. 

Who We Are

The Kootenay Region Branch of the United Nations Association in Canada (KRUNA). was formed in 1986 to promote the goals and objectives of the United Nations in south-central British Columbia, working for the environment, human rights and peace

Mother and Children

Photographs on this website are from the collection of KRUNA member Halenne Jones.

Speaker and Singers at Peace Rally

We recognize and acknowledge that we meet and live within the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the Interior Region Indigenous Peoples which is also home to Métis Communities. It is with humility that we strive to strengthen relationships with First Nations and Métis peoples across the Interior of British Columbia.

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